Monday, April 23, 2007

USCC Rotary/Rotaract Convention Details May 13 Payments due for June13-20

The 2007 United States, Canada, Caribbean (USCC) Conference is less than 2 months away!

Housing for USCC, Pre-Convention and Convention is available for USCC attendees at the University of Utah. Visit for more information and to register for housing. Be sure to tell them you're with USCC!

If you're interested in presenting projects at USCC, contact Mary Kathryn DeLodder at Note that we are interested in hearing about all kinds of projects: service projects, club service, professional development, etc.

If your district is interested in bidding for USCC 2009, contact Navin Manchery-Valliappan at


May 13: Payments for USCC due

June 13-14: USCC 2007

June 15-16: Rotaract Pre-Convention (for further information please visit

June 17-20: Rotary Convention (for further information please visit

For all the latest USCC information, visit

Yours in service,

USCC 2007 Planning Committee

Monday, April 9, 2007

Saturday, April 28: Induction Ceremony for New Members

We are thrilled to induct a new class of members to the Rotaract of Washington, DC Club on Saturday, April 28, from 6:30 to 8:00pm.

Location: TBD

Please check back frequently to learn more details on this event.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Meet Rotaractors from around the world in Salt Lake City in June '07

Are you interested in learning more about what Rotaractors around the world are doing?
Come to the USCC symposium and the Rotaract Preconvention Meeting this June 15-16 in Salt Lake City.

The symposium costs $55, but the preconvention is free to all Rotaractors registered for the Rotary Convention ($90 before March 31), taking place June 17-20. Our club is working to cover some costs for members interested in participating in this international event. Discount housing can be arranged with The University of Utah at a rate ranging from $15-$23 per night.

E-mail Club Service Chair Nicki Sacco ( if you are interested in making the trip.

Want to become a member of Rotaract?

Join the club! It's not hard, and the benefits are priceless. Here's how you can become a member of Rotaract:

1. Members must be under the age of 30.
2. Attend at least one Rotaract meeting. (Next meeting is Feb. 28!)
3. Attend at least one Rotaract social event. (Check the website and keep your eyes open for e-mails.)
4. Participate in at least one Rotaract service event. (Contact Community Service Chair Meredith Dukes at
5. Fill out application and pay the club dues ($35)
6. Wait for approval by the Club Board
7. Induction!

Congratulations, you are now a new member! Please remember to sign up for a committee and start getting involved!

Sat., April 14: Join us for International Night at the Japanese Embassy

Save the date!
Rotary will hold its 27th Annual International Night at the Japanese Embassy on the evening of Saturday, April 14th. Our area's Ambassadorial Scholars will be the guests of honor.
For more information about this event, click here.
Seats will be limited to Rotaract members. Put yourself on the mailing list for updates on this event by e-mailing

Tues., Feb. 20: Happy hour with Rotary at University Club

If you're a member of Rotaract, come join Rotary at The University Club on Tuesday, Feb. 20, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Learn more about upcoming events from local Rotarians. Here are the details:
Location: Billiard's room on the second floor
The University Club of Washington DC
1135 16th Street Washington, DC, 20036
Fee: Cash Bar, no credit cards
Event Detail: All Rotarians, their guests and Rotaract members are invited for the Club's monthly fellowship get together. Come inaugurate the Rotary club's new location-to-be, meet its 20 plus new members and discuss several major upcoming events, including the early May District conference and the RI convention at Salt Lake City in mid-June.
Directions: Valet Parking and neighboring garages (L and on 16th). Metro stops include Farragut North (L and Conn.-red) and McPherson Square (Vermont and 16th-blue/yellow).
We look forward to seeing you there!