Saturday, February 17, 2007

Want to become a member of Rotaract?

Join the club! It's not hard, and the benefits are priceless. Here's how you can become a member of Rotaract:

1. Members must be under the age of 30.
2. Attend at least one Rotaract meeting. (Next meeting is Feb. 28!)
3. Attend at least one Rotaract social event. (Check the website and keep your eyes open for e-mails.)
4. Participate in at least one Rotaract service event. (Contact Community Service Chair Meredith Dukes at
5. Fill out application and pay the club dues ($35)
6. Wait for approval by the Club Board
7. Induction!

Congratulations, you are now a new member! Please remember to sign up for a committee and start getting involved!

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